The 10th National Cream Tea was marked by the ten Tiptree tea rooms who worked with Marie Curie to raise funds for the charity; a cheque for an amazing £2,310 was presented to Angela Taylor, Community Fundraiser Essex in the Secret Garden this week.
“We are absolutely delighted that Marie Curie was the chosen charity of this year’s National Cream Tea day. Alongside this fantastic donation, it has given us the opportunity to raise awareness for Marie Curie’s free end of life services, which supports patients with a terminal illness at the end of their lives and their families. Marie Curie provides expert end of life care for people with any illness they are likely to die from, and support for their family and friends. It is the largest charity funder of palliative and end of life care research in the UK, and campaigns to ensure everyone has a good end of life experience. Whatever the illness, wherever you are, Marie Curie is with you to the end.”, said Angela.
The money came from a donation by Wilkin & Sons for every cream tea eaten on the day and a special raffle for customers in every tea room. Aimee Meredith, Tiptree Tea Rooms Marketing Manager explained; “The Tiptree Tea Rooms are thrilled, thanks to the incredible support of our wonderful customers, to have raised £2,310 for Marie Curie on National Cream Tea Day. It was a pleasure to work with the amazing team and excellent volunteers of the charity. Your generosity will make a significant difference. Thank you!”
Supporters and fundraisers from Marie Curie, in their bright yellow tabards, visited each of the tea rooms in Essex engaging with customers and staff about the work of the charity, they even inspired some new people to join the supporters.
Every day fresh scones are baked in the tea rooms but to create more interest on National Cream Tea Day the cooks were inspired to create new recipes: at Bond Street there was a special carrot cake scone served with Tiptree Orange Marmalade and Rodda’s Cornish Clotted Cream; The View at Osea created a savoury scone of goats cheese and shallot served with honey and Tiptree Chilli Chutney, there were even chocolate scones.
National Cream Tea Day encourages people to enjoy a cream tea together with friends or family while raising money for charity and it encourages a greater understanding of the work of the charities involved.
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